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1 February 2019 - 16:56, by , in Blog, Comments off
What is Bettin’ on the Next 10,000? ​We are celebrating a HUGE milestone for Road Trip Home. On January 23 we will pass the 10,000 mark for lives saved since 2011!  We thought this would be a great reason to celebrate…and to make a pledge to save 10,000 more. ​What better way to celebrate than with a...
25 January 2019 - 17:36, by , in Blog, Comments off
Ann Howell and Jean Goodson celebrated their birthdays with us at the January member luncheon. Happy times! Cheers!
20 November 2018 - 16:13, by , in Blog, Comments off
Back by Popular Demand! This Pace Cetters evening was quite a hit a few years ago, so we are bringing it back. Let’s dress up and get dinner afterwards. Several great restaurants and Ponce City Market are in the area. Capturing the Spirit brings to life the stories of some of the cemetery’s noted residents...
17 August 2018 - 18:33, by , in Blog, Comments off
This past Wednesday was our monthly member luncheon and we had a fantastic speaker: Dr. Susanna F. Greer, Director of Clinical Cancer Research, Nutrition and Immunology at the American Cancer Society. Dr. Greer gave a presentation of her work, focusing on immunotherapy in the fight against breast cancer.  A fascinating and extremely informative presentation, and one that we could...
27 July 2018 - 18:19, by , in Blog, Comments off
Our most recent Pace Cetters Member Mixer took place on Wednesday, July 18th at the AC Hotel in Buckhead.  A fabulous time was had by all mingling, laughing and catching up with each other over cocktails & appetizers. A big thank you to Joy Kramer for organizing this great Happy Hour! Cheers!
29 June 2018 - 16:20, by , in Blog, Comments off
Our third book club meeting of this year occurred on Sunday, June 22nd hosted by Pace Cetters member Ann Howell.  A group of us ventured forth into the wilderness… actually, it was only Gwinnett county and really wasn’t far at all!  😀  The book discussed was Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult.  Most of us found the...
14 June 2018 - 16:19, by , in Blog, Comments off
Dr. Teresa Hargrett was our guest speaker for the June luncheon this week.  She is beginning her 11th year as principal of Floyd Middle School and we are so grateful she took time out of her day to have lunch with us.  During the luncheon, Dr. Hargrett gave a presentation involving a review of the school...
16 March 2018 - 20:40, by , in Blog, Comments off
On Saturday March 3rd, a number of green-thumbed Pace Cetters (and some family members too) met to clean up and prep the gardens at Floyd Middle School in anticipation of the big planting day – April 14, 2018.  The group spent 3 full hours raking, digging, pruning, turning and weeding the gardens.  The sun was shining...
16 March 2018 - 18:53, by , in Blog, Comments off
The first Book Club of the year was held on January 21st at the home of the most gracious hostess……Jean Goodson!  Great food, camaraderie and of course, wine.  Dates and books chosen for 2018 (links to Amazon provided with each book to read summary) below. A big thank you to Jean for hosting; and to...
23 January 2018 - 20:24, by , in Blog, Comments off
On Saturday, January 13th, the Pace Cetters Board Members had their half day meeting to discuss the direction and business items for 2018.  At the meeting, the Board presented Portlynn with a gift for her time, dedication and service as President for 2017.   Life is Better Connected was the theme Portlynn chose for 2017 and we certainly...


Annual dues are $100.00 payable by January 15 each year. Dues for members joining during the year are prorated. Dues can be paid personally or by company sponsorship. The Monthly Member Luncheons are $35.00 per lunch and can be paid in full for the year (11 months*) or one at a time. *December's luncheon is typically at a higher price and is always paid separately.