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11 June 2015 - 18:26, by , in News, Comments off
Pace Cetters would like to congratulate members Amy Todd and Bernadette Kight for Georgia Research Alliance’s recent recognition in the Atlanta Business Chronicle, celebrating 25 years of partnerships with academia, business and government. Congratulations to you both and to many years of success!  We’re honored to have you part of Pace Cetters’ membership! For the...


Annual dues are $100.00 payable by January 15 each year. Dues for members joining during the year are prorated. Dues can be paid personally or by company sponsorship. The Monthly Member Luncheons are $35.00 per lunch and can be paid in full for the year (11 months*) or one at a time. *December's luncheon is typically at a higher price and is always paid separately.